Hotel Shivlok, Rishikesh
Hotel Shivlok in Rishikesh is cheap and best hotel among the economy hotels in Rishikesh. Hotel Rishikesh entertains its guests with various basic facilities and amenities. Some of the basic room facilities and hotel amenities include daily made service, comfortable rooms, doctor on call, laundry services, 24 hour room service, 24 hours hot and cold running water, 24 hour welcome desk, personalized wake up service, comfortable and airy rooms, TV associated with satellite cable and many other service. Guests can also enjoy the facilities of yoga and massage on request. You can enjoy the facility of extra bed in your room by paying some extra amount. Apart from these facilities the location of the hotel is so marvelous that the guest really enjoy staying here. The location of the hotel is best suited to the tourists as it is easily accessible from the nearest bust stand, railway station and airport. Above all the guests of this hotel gets the opportunity to enjoy continental and Chinese dishes in its multi cuisine restaurant.