Arvind Annexe, Janki Chatti
Arvind Annexe hotel is a popular hotel especially among the tourists of Chardham. Hotel Arvind Annexe offer their best services to the tourist of Chardham. Janki Chatti is located at a height of 2,576 mts and offers the company of its beauty to the chardham tourists. Among the chardham hotels, Arvind Annexe hotel has occupied an important place. It is just 5 kms before Yamunotri so lots of people prefer to stay in this hotel. This hotel is associated with lots of facilities like there are 20-25 rooms in this hotel. Each room of this hotel is neat and clean and has attached wash rooms. Some of the important facilities of this hotel are 24 hours water supply. You can also enjoy the facility of hot water supply. Some of the other facilities are laundry services, doctors on call, telephone and many other facilities associated with delicious dishes in its restaurant.